September 9, 2021

What is Social Media Marketing? Plan Social Media Strategy with Easy Steps

PPC, SEO, Social Media

An SMO planning is becoming part of online platforms to enhance their visibility on social media. It helps you to succeed in the market and beat the competition. Social Media Marketing helps to connect with your audience and increase brand awareness. 

Aren’t you curious to know what social media marketing is? Why is it exciting in the digital world? 

What is Social Media Marketing?

It is the use of social media platforms and networks to build meaningful connections. The process will help to understand the brand better and be beneficial to grow your business. The five core pillars are:


    • What are your targets? What role will social media play in meeting business goals? Social Media helps to generate user engagements. 
    • What platforms are you planning to target? The major social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. It is crucial to pick a platform to reach the target audience. 
    • What type of content you will post? Which content will engage your audience for the longer interval? Building a marketing persona will fix your issue. 

Planning and Publishing

You know about three billion people are active on social media platforms. They allow you to discover more audiences. You get to share a blog post, images, videos, and more on social media. All you need is an SMO planning to decide the content to be posted ahead of time instead of spontaneously creating and publishing the content.

Many social media scheduling tools help to schedule your posts. This helps to save time and engage your audience. This will ensure that your content is added at the right time and frequency.   

Listen and Engage

Once you gain followers, it will increase the conversion rates. The significant actions taken by the followers are comments, tags, or send a message. Social Media listening is a famous practice that helps know what and where people are talking about your business. A positive comment will help to know your strengths and delight your customers. At the same time, negative comments will allow you to modify the weak links. 

With the help of SEO Company Australia, you get access to social media performance tools to look for your mentions on various platforms. Having experience in the market, they will know the trends and interests of the target audience. 


When you publish content on social media platforms, you might want to know their performance. Are you on the right path of growth? How much positive feedback have you received? Do people use your hashtags while posting about your brand? 

Get in-depth analysis of your social media platforms. Many social media analytics tools help to know your strengths and weaknesses. 


If you have a budget, then you might want to invest in social media advertising. Social media ads help you reach a wider audience effortlessly. You can always connect with a PPC Company Australia to build ads based on your target audience, demographics, behaviors, interests, and more. They will use tools to automate the process and optimize the advertisements for better reach. 

Might you want to know more about the famous keywords used during SMO planning? We will help you out here,

What are the Metrics you Need to Focus on while SMO Planning?

  • Volume: The number of people discussing your brand. There are great tools available in the market to measure the volume of your social media accounts. 
  • Reach: The size of the potential audience on your accounts. The primary purpose is to know how far has your content reached. 
  • Engagement: Are you getting enough attention? Do you get enough shares or comments? Focus on the likes, reactions, and comments to your posts. 
  • Influence: Does your content encourage people to take necessary actions? Ensure that your content is impactful and has an extraordinary impact on your target audience. 
  • Share of voice: The percentage of conversation in the industry about you compared to the competitors. The key metrics help to build a solid social media marketing strategy. 

 Now, let us hinder another critical sector, “Social Media Strategy!”

What is Exactly a Social Media Strategy? 

It is a document that outlines your social media targets and techniques to achieve them. Also, the metrics to track your progress. It will list all the current and future social media account performance. This helps to define the roles and responsibilities of the team. 

The best tips for SMO planning to increase your brand awareness are: 

Optimize your Accounts 

The first and foremost thing is to ensure that all your social media accounts align with your business. Some details that you might want to focus on are:

  • Create content and visuals representing your business, like fonts, taglines, slogans, logos, and hashtags. 
  • An appropriate Call-To-Action and links to make it easier for the users to reach your landing pages. 
  • The Marketing languages and messages must match your promotions 

It is a sort of gateway for the visitors to reach you. You need to maintain consistency on all social media platforms to increase customer engagement. 

Optimization of Social Searching 

You might see some social profiles pop up on the search engines. The recent trends have updated the search features to highlight the brands using specific keywords. Don’t stuff the keywords as it is a negative approach and causes adverse effects on your profile. Perform deep keyword research to get industry and brand-specific keywords for your content. 

Some fundamental techniques to optimize the social media platforms: 

  • Add relevant keywords and hashtags in your social bios 
  • Ensure that the necessary details of the business like username, contact, and address are consistent on all platforms. 
  • Add all your details correctly and add CTAs into your platforms

Perform subtle use of hashtags and keywords to gain more visibility of your business. 

Optimize your Content 

This is the most vital sector to engage your customers and needs an organized strategy. Some key factors you must focus on are:

  • Maintain a frequency and volume to publish content. This might include how often you post, timing, and how many pieces. 
  • Determine the assets like videos, images, or text posts. 
  • Figure out the posts for each social media network 

You must fine-tune your content before publishing it. You might want to know the pro-tips to own the social media platform.

Optimize the Posts 

To handle this, you need more than just good morning and good night greetings. Pay special attention to optimize the posts:

  • Write captions that grab attention and promote your activities 
  • Add relevant hashtags, Call-To-Actions, and keywords 
  • Maintain a tone and brand voice on all social media channels 
  • Promote your events and services 

Look for your Progress 

It is inevitable to know where you stand in the market. This lets you know the strong and weak points of your campaigns. Getting the metrics to help to understand your performance. Track the number of shares, follows retweets, conversions, and comments on your website. These insights will help to optimize the posts. 

What are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing? 

1. It Helps to Engage with a New Audience!

There is nothing worse than interacting with a cold audience or people who do not engage with your content. It opens the doors to tools and strategies that make it easier to interact through your content. 

2. Stronger Bonds and Connections 

You can always connect with an organization that excels in social media marketing Australia. This ensures that you present the best face to the audience and build long-term relationships. 

3. Generate Leads 

With platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, you get a better scope to reach your audience. Be it paid campaigns, giveaways, email, or video marketing, you get a chance to step in all of them. SMO is quicker, more accessible, effortless, and most importantly, MEASURABLE. This means you can modify your strategies at any stage and grab new opportunities to grow. 

4. Beat your Competition 

Digital Market is full of competitors, and you need to stand up from them to make your space. You need to monitor the competition and see what makes them unique from the crowd. Use the online tools to grab a good chance and stay ahead of your competitors. 

5. It is Cost-Effective 

This is a diverse method to promote your business on social media platforms. You need to invest in getting services for SMO planning, but it will boost your revenues. 

The Extra Piece of Cake!

Be SMART while making your goals!

  • SPECIFIC: Be specific with your goals. This helps to build a clear strategy and meet your expectations. 
  • MEASURABLE: You must track your performance to tweak your strategies and get better results. 
  • ATTAINABLE: Do not be too ambitious. This means setting unrealistic goals which are not achievable. Ensure to set targets that you will be able to achieve through your social media marketing. 
  • RELEVANT: Your efforts must align with your business objectives. So, the content you post must be relevant to your business. 
  • TIME-BOUND: Be on time! This is only done when you have set specific deadlines for your tasks. 

Analyze your COMPETITION 

  • KEYWORDS: Build a list of keywords that your competitors are using and their search volume. 
  • RANKINGS: Look for the keywords that have higher rankings in your niche
  • SOCIAL-KEYWORDS: Use the top keywords and see the results. Add relevant words to your content. 
  • RELEVANT-BRANDS: Use analytical tools to know the insights of your competitors and know what your target audience likes in them. 

The Final Note!

We might have cleared your doubts and helped you build great strategies! But still, figuring out some key terms when it comes to SMO planning? Contact us! We have the best experts in the industry and embrace your social media presence together. 

Hoping to get more reach and generate more leads!

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