September 25, 2020

Protect Your Storefront with the Advanced Magento Security Scan Tool


What is Magento Security Scan Tool?

Online attacks and threats on your storefront are common these days and are increasing on daily basis. So many Magento Development Companies are building e-commerce websites that can become a target of such hackers. The data compromise through your platform can have a negative impact on the customers and result in heavy losses in the market. People today hire Magento developers to build Magento websites because of its popularity, easy online transaction, and open-source platform. These unlimited benefits and features also attracted unwanted threats to the websites. 

The anatomy of threats or attacks is:

1. Finding a security breach or hole

2. Injecting the additional or adapted code inside the file system or database

3. Executing the malicious code by the attacker                                        

Magento Development Company brought a solution to such threats and developed the Magento Security Scan tool. This monitors the Magento websites regularly and gives multiple security tests. It checks the Magento website security, configuration process check, and missing patches on the platform. With the help of this tool, Magento stores can check potential vulnerabilities and perform the best security practices. 

Some features of Magento Security Scan Tool

1. The Magento store is monitored by the security tool in real-time.

2. This tool can detect vulnerabilities in the configuration and provides a recommendation to fix them.

3. It offers the freedom to schedule the scan on a specific date and time.

4. The security scanning process does not affect the performance of the site.5. The previous security scans are saved in Merchant accounts of Magento.

Partnership with Sansec 

Adobe made a partnership with Sansec that is a leading security firm that specializes in preventing digital skimming. Magento Security Scan tool will be getting many malware and security vulnerability signatures after undergoing the testing and validation process. The research team evaluates the common e-commerce attacks and generates a useful stream of indicators of compromise and potential attack vectors. 

Let us see how the Sansec works against the attacks:

Detecting the security holes 

The program code that includes Magento core, in-house developments, and third-party modules are checked for any security gaps. It operates on the database in the Magento environment to check the security holes.

Detection of malicious code

The database and file system is searched for any malicious code. The scanner can detect a variety of known attacks and their patterns.  

Execution and Details

The scanner can be easily installed in the system using a few predefined steps. It updates regularly to have the latest signatures. In the event of detecting a vulnerability or infection, it notifies the data through a configured address. 

How to Set Up the Magento Security Scan Tool? 

Confirm that you are the Owner of the Magento Site

Provide the e-store web address and fill the confirmation code using Magento Admin. 

  1. Enter the site URL and click on Generate code
  2. Copy the code
  3. Log in to the Magento Admin
  4. Magento admin block add the code in HTML head or footer as follows:

Magento 1: 

Click System > Configuration > General > Design. Click the HTML head and enter the code in the Miscellaneous Scripts field, then save config.

Magento 2:

Click Content > Design > Configuration. Then in the action column click Edit next to the website. Expand the HTML head and enter the code in Scripts and Stylesheets field, then save config.

Click on verify Confirmation code.

Automatic or Manual Security Scans

The Magento Security scan tool comes with a handy feature where you can schedule the security scan and receive the results through email.  If you want to avoid cluttering your email with lots of scan reports then you can run a manual scan. Run a scan on the monitored websites page and as soon as the task is finished download the report from the reports column.

Scan Results Analysis

The check-up results will be displayed in three tables namely:

1. Successful

2. Unidentified

3. Failed Scans

This allows you to focus on the unidentified and failed scans to improve website security. You can take advice from a Certified Magento developer to resolve such issues and improve the performance. 

Expectations and benefits of Magento Security Tool Scan

1. Maintaining security practices in real-time helps in gaining valuable insights. 

2. Performing regular scans and fixing the issues effectively

3. Easily track earlier scan reports and monitor the progress of Magento store

4. The three tables of results successful, unidentified, and failed scans make it easy to monitor the security breach.  

5. Reports the configuration issues and provides recommendations to fix them.

6. Manual and scheduling the scan can be easily done in the tool

7. The scanning does not affect the performance of your store while performing the scan. 

How can Magento Developers in Melbourne help?

Any e-commerce website has to build a safe platform that is capable of holding the sensitive data of customers or visitors. Magento websites can be vulnerable to threats and online attacks that can destroy your image in the marketplace. A professional Magento developer who has experience in building e-commerce websites will always be familiar with the threats and can easily avoid creating security holes that can be breached by hackers. 

In this blog, we hope you got to know the importance of having the Magento Security Scan tool in your e-commerce platform. The good thing is we as Magento Development Company can provide you with numerous Magento services including regular scans and fixing issues. If you think that running regular scans but are not able to fix some of the unidentified security issues will be safe for your platform? No, just running a security scan only helps in listing out the issues and they have to be resolved as soon as possible to avoid data loss.

Negligence can affect the business in the long-term and result in heavy losses in the market. The security added to the platforms gives customers the satisfaction to add their sensitive data and not to worry about the online threats or attacks. As the Magento platform is growing, so are risks of data breaching. Hire a Magento developer with us today and make your platform the safest place for the customers.

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