April 30, 2024

10 Crucial Link building Strategies in 2024


Are you planning to boost the SEO score of your website in 2024? If yes, then you might be thinking about what strategies you should adopt to achieve your desired objectives. Website speed, keywords, and content optimization are the first things that spring to mind when you think about search engine optimization (SEO). Isn’t it? This is not the only aspect of SEO. It involves many other crucial strategies as well. An often-overlooked strategy for improving SEO is building links. It is not so popular because creating links takes a lot of time and work. But it has a lot of potential. So, it is not at all a good idea to divert your focus from this particular SEO strategy. 

According to The SEO Project, 67.5% of SEO experts understood how backlinks affected their article ranks in 2023. Thus, you are losing out if you are not investing in link building services. In this comprehensive blog post, we will talk about some of the tried-and-true link-building techniques you should implement to create a strong link profile for your website. So, let’s get started: 

What is Referred to as Link building ?

Link Building is the process of obtaining backlinks from other websites to your own. By exchanging links with relevant and high-quality websites, you can show search engines like Google that your website is reliable and worthwhile. This strategy is typically categorized as an off-page SEO tactic.

What are the Top Link building Strategies to Consider in 2024?

Below are some of the most critical link building techniques that one should take into consideration before opting for link building services

1. Acquiring Links from Scraped Content

This strategy is all about the utilization of smart data to discover link-building opportunities. There are many tools on the market, like Screaming Frog, that you can use for this purpose, i.e., to scrape the web for content related to your niche. It typically entails the following:

  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Forum discussions

The main goal is to discover places where it is possible to mention and link to your website or content. After getting a list, all you need to do is reach out using your communication skills. In this regard, you should come up with a professional, friendly, and to-the-point message. You should even explain why a backlink to your content would be valuable for their audience. If you are a dentist, then while you choose dentist SEO services, you should essentially ask your service provider whether they are involved in offering assistance related to link building. 

2. Linking Out to Other Websites

Do you know you can leverage benefits by linking to other websites? This step can prove to be highly beneficial for your SEO link building strategies. By providing outbound links to high-quality and relevant sources, you would be able to establish yourself as a trusted and valuable resource for readers. You can choose to come up with a statistic-based blog to ensure this. There are four main things that you should take into consideration while implementing this strategy. It includes the following: 

  • Relevance:  When choosing websites to link to, you should ensure they are pertinent to your content and offer extra value for readers. 
  • Authority:  They should possess a good reputation and be regarded as authoritative sources in their respective fields. 
  • Quality:  You should incorporate links to credible, high-quality sites that can enhance your readers’ experience. 
  • Anchor Text:  It is important to employ descriptive and natural anchor text for your outbound links to improve SEO and offer a better user experience. 

After you have found a good website, you should approach them for a backlink. As a part of it, you can send them a well-written guest post or simply reach out to them. 

3. Developing Worthwhile Industry Tools

Backlinking generally assists users in discovering what they are looking for without indulging in another Google Search. So, it is a good idea to create resources and tools that publishers can link to. In this regard, you can come up with outstanding tools like cost calculators, budget templates, etc., that are pertinent to your industry. With this, you can provide value to users and publishers who are looking for resources to utilize in their content. 

4. Creating Video Content for Link building

Another way to build backlinks is by creating videos. Videos work by attracting backlinks, both indirectly and directly. For example, if the video you have created is entertaining or informative, there is a chance that other websites might embed it in their content. So, it allows you to provide direct links to your YouTube channel or linked website. 

However, if you have hosted the video on your website, you can also incorporate a link to it in the comments or description section. This strategy typically produces informative, engaging videos that viewers find valuable enough to reference or share. You should choose real estate SEO services to get related aid if you are associated with the real estate industry. 

5. Focusing on Newsjacking for Link building

It necessitates trust to secure backlinks. You need good knowledge of present trends and thought leadership to secure trust. It is possible to showcase these particular qualities by being relevant in the current news. This is where the role of newsjacking comes into play. It refers to an important link acquisition strategy that typically entails capitalizing on topical or trending news stories and incorporating your product, service or brand into the conversation. 

6. Crafting Detailed Resource Pages

A comprehensive or detailed resource page generally acts as a curated compilation of materials and links on a particular topic. These pages are designed to offer users a wealth of resources, which helps establish them as go-to destinations for information related to a given topic. 

So, these pages are considered to be helpful for:

  • Educational sites
  • Industry experts
  • Niche-specific bloggers

You can provide considerable value to your audience by combining diverse resources. Now, what should I do for the purpose of SEO link building? In this case, you will see that websites could notice and reciprocate with a link back to your page. But, even if they do not, these particular pages tend to attract greater traffic, which helps establish you as a trusted source of information in your niche. Additionally, as resource pages are handy, they can naturally attract backlinks from other sites. 

7. Focus on Improving Your Media Presence

Featuring your content in popular media publications such as the Huffington Post and Forbes is considered a great approach. These high-authority websites always seek quality content to share with their readers. So, if you have decided to adopt this strategy, then you should make sure to come up with relevant content topics. Also, it is suggested that a solid pitch be developed in order to stand out from the rest. This way, you can make sure to acquire backlinks from these platforms. 

8. Guesting on Relevant Podcasts

In recent years, podcasting has been rising in popularity. You could reach out to a new audience by guesting on relevant podcasts. It also helps you to build solid relationships with podcast hosts. Also, it allows you to secure backlinks from their sites. But, you should be careful when choosing a podcast you will appear on. In this regard, select one that is well-aligned with your target audience and brand. 

You should meticulously research the show’s format, topics, and audience to ensure it is a good fit. Another important thing to ask is if the podcast host would want to incorporate a link to your social media or website in the episode notes. This particular local SEO strategy helps gain backlinks and drive traffic. 

9. Promoting Your Infographics

Infographics are an excellent way to add some visual interest to text that may sometimes be tedious to read. These are known for communicating information in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and simple to understand by fusing text with visual elements such as data, charts, and images. Again, those that are featured in guest posts or shared on social media draw backlinks from other websites that are looking forward to using visually engaging content. Additionally, as infographics are easy to share, this helps raise brand recognition and drive in even more backlinks in the future. 

It is suggested that you advertise your infographics across a variety of platforms, including: 

  • Social Media Platforms:  For a wider audience, you can rely on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook (now Meta), LinkedIn, X, etc.
  • Email Newsletters:  You can forward this to your email subscribers if they find it useful.
  • Articles and Blogs:  You can embed them on pertinent blog posts on your website or guest posts. 
  • Online Communities and Forums:  You can share in niche forums or communities like Reddit. 

So, with these visuals, you can draw in high-quality backlinks while promoting your brand. You can choose a reputed SEO service provider if you need any related assistance. 

10. Establishing Deep Connections with Industry Experts 

Thought leaders, industry experts, and influencers all have a significant following and level of impact. These connections result in many kinds of backlinks from their websites, social media posts, shares, and even content collaborations. Social media plays a critical role in this strategy.

You can access these thought leaders directly through platforms such as X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and industry-specific forums. Developing a rapport with them requires engaging with their content, offering insights, and striking up discussions.

With the growth of these relationships, several opportunities may arise: 

  • Shared content
  • Guest posts
  • Mutual backlinks. 

With this approach, you create meaningful relationships with them even though you aren’t actually “building links” with them yet. These relationships will eventually result in natural, high-quality backlinks. However, it takes time to build these relationships, so be patient, provide value, and be authentic in your interactions. 

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In a Nutshell

All in all, link-building is a highly effective strategy that considers multiple factors to ensure its success. The above-mentioned are the most crucial link-building techniques you should consider in 2024. By sticking to all these approaches and methods, you can create a strong link profile for your website that will help it for years to come. To achieve best-in-class outcomes, you can work with a group of professionals with years of link-building experience. So, why wait to experience the difference? 

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