July 17, 2018

Joomla vs WordPress – CMS Comparison (Pros and Cons) 2018

Selecting the best CMS platform for our business is always a matter of dilemma as there are so many wonderful platforms available on the market. WordPress development and Joomla are great platforms to build our business websites as they offer great features, plugins, and extensions. Now, the problem arises when we want to select one from both of them. Don’t worry, we are there to help you. We will compare both the platforms and see the pros and cons of each one of them for below-mentioned parameters.

So, let’s have a look on Joomla vs WordPress to get an overview of it.

  • SEO

On the WordPress side, the Yoast SEO plugin is an excellent tool that has numerous features. This plugin categorizes the SEO score in red, yellow and green colors and it also tells how to exactly improve the score. The Joomla development team have developed the Easy Frontend SEO (EFSEO) which is an equivalent plugin to Yoast. It enables you to carry many tasks related to SEO on the front end of your site directly. But, WordPress’s Yoast is much better than Joomla’s EFSEO.

  • Security

Though, WordPress development services have developed plugins for each and every use of the website, the surety for the safety of these plugins can’t be made. Moreover, WordPress is not shipped with the basic features like the SSL connection on the dashboard. The core files are needed to be changed for enabling it. The advanced security features rely on the plugins in WordPress. On the other side, Joomla is shipped with force connections over SSL and also for 2FA. Also, the set of security extensions are provided and the list of vulnerabilities is maintained by the developers. So, prefer Joomla for security purposes over WordPress.

  • Customization

Both the CMS platforms have excellent plugins to be offered but WordPress wins this round due to the large number and a variety of plugins recommended by WordPress developer Melbourne. Comparing the top plugins of both the platforms, it is seen that WordPress have better quality plugins. Though both have an equal number of features, the WordPress plugins provide a better overall experience. The WordPress themes also have a higher level of support and better experience than the templates of Joomla. So, considering the customization also, WordPress wins!

  • Content Management and Potential

It is true that both of them are complex CMS platforms. They offer users to create any type of website. Though WordPress is often associated with simple and plain blogs, it can also be used to create complex sites too. Joomla provides some amazing features which help to make any kind of site to be built. But, the problem with Joomla is that the novice users feel hard to work with it. WordPress wins this game as it enables the users to manage the content with ease and it gets installed in a few minutes too.

Thus, this was an overview of Joomla vs WordPress – CMS comparison. Both of them are great platforms and are much similar to each other, select the one according to your needs for building your best website.

  • WordPress or

If you’ve decided on WordPress as your way forward, you’ll now need to make another decision, whether to opt for the self-hosted version or the fully hosted version available on This is quite an extensive topic, so your best bet to help you decide is to visit this article on CollectiveRay to help you decide which version is best for you.

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