January 9, 2020

Hard to Overlook These OnBoarding APP Practices in 2020

Developing an exceptional mobile app is not enough, you have to make a website that attracts the target audience. Therefore, the boarding comes in the picture. Boarding identifies the mobile app, it reaches the target audience and makes an impact on their life. The main objective of the boarding is to allow people to operate and explore all the features regarding the app. Originally, the mobile app developers used to define screen that can help the users to know the entire interface of the app from beginning to end. The screen has various purposes;

  • Ensure that the people feel comfortable from the initial experience of the app;
  • It gives proper know-how of the features as users understand the process one-by-one;
  • The users can also use the mobile app for login;
  • It compiles relevant user profile data to provide personalised content to the users;
  • It removes the disturbance in the process and increases the retention rates.

As you know the basics of app optimisation, you can now give proper instructions to your android development company in Sydney. You have to follow the best practices both timeless and modern to stay ahead of the competition. The business must follow some of the mobile app optimisation tactics to get the best results. In this article, we will talk about all these practices which are inevitable for your business success. Have a look!

Highlight the Best Things of Your Mobile App

You might have heard that the first impression is the last impression, make sure you are garnishing all the features in the best possible manner to attract the audience. The onboarding process consists of value propositions so user download, install, and use in their day-to-day life. You can start by showcasing all the features which your app has and what are the benefits of these features to help the user to reach their desired goal.

Have a Simple and Crisp Sign-up Procedure

If you want to increase the number of your app downloads, make sure the sign-up process has fewer steps. The mobile app developers must focus on these things from the beginning of the development process. If users have to fill the extensive forms, they will never download the app. You can also give them the simple step of logging in through social media accounts. This will remove the interference from the boarding process, enabling insane traffic.

Do not Ask for Any Additional Information

Even when you provide social logins to the users, you must take the note of only those information which are really needed. Extra information cannot be entertained. You must only focus on those data which is essential and relevant for your company. It has been recorded that a major group of people have uninstalled the apps which require personal information or they never downloaded it. Human gets easily irritated by a plethora of questions, so they just ignore the app.

Clear Request Permissions

Request For Permissions(Source:

Privacy is currently the hottest topic as there are strict rules made to ensure the privacy of the users. Therefore, the developers have to pay extra attention to onboarding procedure. Moreover, it is important to ask for personal information and it is not against business ethics. If your app lacks the access to the microphone or camera, take the permissions at the boarding itself. When you take the permissions, you create a loyal bond with the customer which helps you for more customer retention.

Employ Regular Visual Hints

You must stick to the 2020 designs using progressive visual pattern than by hand-holding the user. Even if you are placing right visual, place them organically at the places where users need help. This also assists you to avoid any type of confusing instructions while simplifying the user experience.

Increasing Personalisation

Every Android and IOS developer must increase personalisation in onboarding and development process. Personalisation helps the app to stand ahead of the competition. Spotify is the best example of personalised and onboarding experience as it allows the people to make definite choices as per their language, genre, and preferred artist right from the beginning.

Option to Skip

Skip the Option(Source:

Users will complete the procedure if they have an alternative for performing the task. Some users might not want to go through each and every procedure while others would like to skip some of the steps. Giving users a chance to skip the process is an important practice so the user will not get bored and likely to have a good experience in the app.

Cross-channel Messaging is Important

cross message channel(Source:

If you wish to improve the app’s onboarding procedure, ensure that it transfers cross channel messaging. Furthermore, push notifications are imperative to announce the users to complete the process rather than leaving it on the way. In-app messages and emails are the ideal channels where you can provide useful reminders to the users.

Testing is Must Before Implementation

It is essential to test the onboarding process before implementing it to the app. The app users are going to have an onboarding experience, therefore, it becomes vital to test and assess the onboarding pattern in various screens, ensuring the transition in each screen size is effortless.


When you hire an android programmer or IOS app programmer for developing your app in the famous platform, ensure that they focus more on the boarding process. You must start the procedure by keeping the user experience above everything, this means you have to understand the audience point of view, their changing demands, and expectations. Once you know about the audience and their queries, make necessary changes in the onboarding process and ensure users find many positive points to stick to your app. At the end of the day, it all depends on the team how they carry on this work. You can also rely on the leading android app development company of Sydney to get the solution as per your client’s wishes and expectations. Ensure that you are not compromising in the onboarding experience along with reliable app quality.

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