September 10, 2019

6 Superlative Futuristic Web Design Trends for the Year

Web Design

In today’s time, people have turned modern by using cutting-edge technology to purchase things online. With the advent of eCommerce website design, the charm of physical visits to the stores has gone missing. However, it is a welcome change to have an online shopping option in this fast-paced era. The reason being, in this fast-paced lifestyle, hardly everyone has time to go directly to the retailers to purchase things. 

Every day we see the rise in online shopping, which has led to the emergence of eCommerce shopping websites. People are finding it challenging to select the best alternatives from a wide array of eCommerce platforms. 

eCommerce website owners have set their standards when it comes to setting eCommerce trends for online stores. Popular eCommerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra have already become quite popular. However, certain eCommerce stores are heading to the path of destruction by failing to attract the attention of the customers. They also are missing in terms of functionality, interactivity, and more significantly, the stuff that ticks the customers. This is where the futuristic web design trends come into the picture.

In the forthcoming sections of this write-up, we have provided certain futuristic web design trends, which can work as a blessing in disguise for professional website development company Sydney. We promise after reading this piece of content; you will be able to decipher exactly what to expect in terms of web design trends shortly.

Let’s get started with the futuristic web design trends.

Mobile Shopping will be the Second Name for eCommerce

Mobile Shoping


We will see mobile shopping breaking all the records of shopping in the past years. Slowly but gradually, there will be a rise in the sales figure and revenue generation in eCommerce stores. As we write, online shopping is picking up momentum through smartphones and tablets. Customers are using their mobile devices for searching and ordering things and even enjoying the excellent user experience, which assists in providing an exceptional user experience. 

Expect this trend to gain momentum as customers will expect more than simply opening a website on their mobile devices. They would be looking for the ultimate user experience.

Flawless Mobile Payment Feature will Become a Norm

mobile wallets


Every online shopping lover knows the term payment gateway. As time goes by, we will see customers expecting a smooth mobile payment gateway that encourages their customers to make repeated visits to the eCommerce websites. By creating a mobile-friendly website, you will be able to attract customers to your stores. To have a serious impact on your products’ sales, it will become critical to integrate a flawless mobile payment feature to your shopping site. This way, it would become possible for the buyers to make payments for their purchases through their smartphones.

Social Selling Will Gain Momentum

Social Media


Social selling has high relevance in the marketing domain. It is slowly gaining impetus and will soon become an emerging eCommerce web design trends in the industry. Most of the big eCommerce store owners have commenced promoting their stores on major social media platforms to gain social traffic. Hence, shortly, we will see eCommerce stores using social media marketing tactics to promote their products and services. 

You can opt for different social media platforms for marketing purposes. For fast results, marketers are trying their hands on the Facebook Live video feature to showcase their range of products smartly. It is also the best way to announce the upcoming variety. This way, it will grab the attention of the customer.  

Omni-Channel will Become the New Buzzword

Omni Channel


As an entrepreneur, it becomes essential for you to try out different promotional sources. This is where it becomes critical to take advantage of both social and non-social channels. Omni-channel represents multi-channel. It is considered as the best medium for stores whether you need to sell online or offline. With this futuristic trend, it will become possible for marketers to sell their products through multiple channels like Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Flipkart, etc. This is perhaps the most trending buzzword due to the reason that it aims at providing the ultimate experience.

Voice Search Will Become Quite Prevalent

Voice Search

Voice search is one of the booming trends. The reason being, it will get rid of the problems faced by shoppers while searching for their favourite products and provide them breakthrough ways to purchase products in unexpected ways. This will primarily be a daunting challenge for online shopping websites. However, once the voice search feature has been integrated, it will enhance user interaction and also have a positive impact on the website traffic. 

Although this feature is being utilised for small-phrase queries, weather search, and several small things, it will also become prominent for online shopping. For this reason, we recommend all the eCommerce store owners to have a close watch on this futuristic trend. 

Free Shipping & Quick Delivery will Become a Norm

time delivery in ecommerce


It is essential to provide flexible payment options to users. It becomes necessary for shopping website owners also to enhance their shipping features. By improving this feature, customers will be able to get their ordered products on time. All this will be done by paying out minimal shipping charges. In case of any special requirements for specific products, the delivery could be done to the buyers within a day. This will increase their user experience and ultimately lead to enhanced revenue.

Final Words 

To sum up, it has got to be said that it is never an easy task to set up an eCommerce store. The reason being, you need to face stiff market competition. To keep abreast of the industry, it becomes essential to keep up with the latest eCommerce web design trends. The trends mentioned in this write-up are considered to be the future of the online shopping industry. We anticipate these trends to dominate the eCommerce domain in the years to follow. To read more such informative pieces of content, follow us today!

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