January 28, 2021

5 Ways on How to Boost SEO Rankings


In the digital world, Search Engine Optimization has become an important part for e-commerce business. Customers are using search engines to look for products, brands, and services through online e-commerce platform. There are few elements that can improve your ranking on the SERPs are:

  • Skills: This plays a significant role in SEO and you will need an expert SEO Company Melbourne. They can have experts that are skillful in making strategies to optimize your content.   
  • Budget: You will need tricks to handle the business in a limited budget. It is very important to use the budget, as you need to have the right features and functions for e-commerce stores.     
  • Competition: It is essential to know about your competitors to know the right ways to stay on the top in the digital world. 
  • Current Website: Update your web pages with the SEO trends 2021 to get noticed by the search engines. 

Boost Your SEO Rankings with certain Tricks:

Website must be Easily Integrated into Google Analytics  

Understand the Google Analytics for your website and take data-based decisions that are trending in the digital marketing sector. Some essential metrics that you can know about your visitor are:         

  • It can provide you with data about the browses that users are interacting. This allows to work on the improvements in the web design and focus on the most-used browsers. 
  • Google Analytics can help in knowing the most used devices to visit the website. Understanding the website’s metrics helps in tailoring the content and features to be responsive to different screen sizes and platforms.  
  • The data can help in viewing the social media platforms that viewers used to reach your website. This can help in using the Paid ad campaign on the right social media.  

Identify the Weakness on the Websites

You need to deliver engaging content on the website with the latest trends, ideas, and keywords. There are various tools that can help in identifying the low-performing content on the website using the data are:

  • Minimal backlinks 
  • Old Content 
  • The Least interactive pages 
  • The Lowest number of shares 
  • Less word count 
  • Less organic traffic

Work on these segments by taking help from an SEO company Australia, which has significant experience in this section. 

Focus on Backlink Portfolio 

You do not want to miss on-page technical SEO if you want to make on the top ranks of search engines. Back link diversity comes from sources like:    

  • The links will help customers to follow the redirection to increase the page visits 
  • This can make it easier to target the audience by adding links to the blog content that leads to another important resource.

A diverse backlink helps the search engine to crawl into the web pages. 

Optimize the Images                                    

Handling the images can be a great way to boost the SEO of the website. This is a great digital marketing idea, which gives a better context to the content and aligns with the visual searches. Add the alt text with the following rules:


The alt text should be able to describe the image with significant details. The content should describe the image and add specific details related to the image. This helps to decide the image rank on the Image search engines.  


The text should describe the image contents and remember that you should not repeat keywords on every web page. 


The alt text should be unique and relate with the images to explain it clearly to the readers.

Use Simple Metadata and URLs

These are the key factors that help search engine to understand your business with the content. There are certain SEO guidelines that can help in optimizing the website to rank higher search engines effortlessly. Some best practices keeping the meta description and URL simple are:

  • Use a consistent structure that can handle the future posts on the website. Some of the best SEO Company Australia will decide the URL and meta descriptions structure of the website easily. 
  • Use a short and simple language for the URLs to make it easier for the visitors to reach the website. 
  • Ensure that meta description and URL should have keywords that can target more audience.


It is great to increase the Search Engine Optimization results, the only thing you need is to keep track of the SEO trends 2021 and update the content regularly. Digital marketing is an ongoing process that needs your attention and efforts to reach the top ranks on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). There are techniques to gain more traffic through SEO, which can be through the paid ad campaign, marketing strategies, handling loading speed, easy crawl ability, redirecting links, and more factors.

There are various tools that can ease your work and optimize the online store to make it SEO-friendly. Having an optimized platform can help in gaining more organic traffic, increasing conversion rates, generate leads, and gain profit in the market.

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