November 25, 2019

4 Frustrating Problems Faced by WordPress Users and the Best Ways to Resolve Them


WordPress is one of the most popular platforms in the software market. It would not be wrong to say that it has achieved a lot in a minimal frame of time, which has led to its improvement. Despite this, there are times when its users and developers face some frustrating problems that can hamper their experience. Let’s check out the various issues that are most annoying and the best ways to deal with them using the vast array of experiences and expertise of the WordPress developers at

The fantastic part about WordPress is its ability to effortlessly being used. It is a widely used open-source platform that meets the contemporary needs of the present-day web software market. It has earned a massive reputation in the market; however, if you think that there are no loopholes during the execution of WordPress development services, you are probably wrong. There is absolutely no free ride when it comes to using the latest and updated version of WordPress for your small to significant requirements. 

Let’s now divert our attention to the frequent problems faced by WordPress developers and users while using this ingenious platform during their day-to-day lives, along with the best possible ways to resolve them.

Problem No. 1 – Recurring Updates in the Core Code

WordPress has earned a bad name when it comes to recurring core code updates. The critical aspect is that the subversions and versions keep updating on an overnight basis that leaves WordPress developers in peculiar conditions. The situation worsens when WordPress is extensively customised by employing plugins, components, themes, and extensions. Once the version is updated, the next step is to update the extensions and components. 

The problem is, it takes some time for the market to release the extensions, components, and scripts to meet the requirements of the updated version of WordPress.


Since updates of plugins and extensions are incredibly vital, you need to go for core updates and employ automatic backup plugin or services of the web and run a manual backup in your local machine prior to opting for updates while extensive customisation needs to be performed.

The good news is, WordPress consists of auto-update extensions that make your job simple, especially when minor updates are released frequently. However, take care that you only opt for major updates and not enable auto-updates forever. The majority of the updates need certain minor changes in the configuration of WordPress settings that can do the job. 

In case you are too busy and do not want to waste your precious time in tech glitches for updates, opt for hosting services that offer such services at a cost-effective price. You can even subscribe to support & maintenance package by hiring a WordPress expert who is great way at resolving this frustrating problem.

Problem No. 2 – Need for High Customisation

Today, everyone is trying to develop a breakthrough website design layout and functionality for their online business. To achieve that ordeal, it is imperative to go for extensive customisation with the help of themes and extensions. The reason being, the core code of WordPress is minimal, and frequent updates stop any alteration at the core level. This way, it results in high cost, selecting between lots of extensions, compatibility, and time for configurations.  


You can get a wide array of plugins in the official and external platforms of WordPress. Choose the one that is appropriate for your business needs. There are a lot of high-quality products that need to be purchased, so you need to invest your time and money for purchasing, installing, and configuring.  

Problem No. 3 – Security Glitches

There are lots of security threats that are looming large that can harm your WordPress website and your business at large. WordPress has lots of themes and plugins available freely. However, the problem is, since these are free chances of the themes and extensions consisting of malicious code that can hack your entire site are high.  

wordpress security issues



You must refrain from adding any unauthorised script in your WordPress site, which can save you from several security threats. The best way to deal with this problem is by spending money on premium themes and extensions. If the theme & extension providers take complete responsibility for your security in written texts like terms & conditions page or privacy policy page. 

In case you have a large scale project, creating themes and extensions from scratch is a worthwhile investment. You need to opt for a reliable company that can help you create a safe and secure WordPress site with desired features and functionalities. By ensuring secured hosting and the presence of security arsenals, it would become easier to resolve this concern.

Problem No. 4 – Degradation of the Site Performance

The performance of your WordPress website can get degraded if it is not handled correctly. Some of the performance issues that can come up include.

  1. Lots of plugins or extensions can put a lot of load on the background processes;
  2. Additional and infrequently used codes or scripts;
  3. Improper use of JavaScript and in-line CSS can enhance code rendering time and server-side processes;
  4. Uncompressed and large-sized images and media files like videos uploaded directly on the webserver result in the consumption of lots of resources when it comes to downloading the site source on thin clients, including mobile devices;
  5. Enhanced HTTP requests slow down the site.

speed up wordpress



If you wish to smoothen your site loading speed and page interaction speed, there is a need to take several measures from the inception of WordPress development. With the help of standard coding practices, it is possible to get a clean, comprehensive, and compact code that aids in boosting the performance of the site. Here, you need to avoid the installation of unwanted plugins or extensions that can hamper the overall user experience and usability factors of the website. We suggest you employ plugins and configurations on the server along with in-browsers to ensure fast loading of repeated and frequently-requested web pages.

Final Thoughts

These are some of the most frustrating problems that WordPress users and developers face while working on the WordPress site. If you wish to get the most of your website, we suggest you to affiliate with a reputed WordPress development company by practicing the solutions mentioned in this write-up.

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